
SINCE DECEMBER 2007, editor-in-chief Joshua Heston has written editorials published through the exclusive StateoftheOzarks Weekly email sent out every Sunday night at 5PM, now totaling some 890 issues. Titled “Been Thinkin’ About,” the editorials have become popular on their own and are also published weekly in the Branson Globe.

“I’m very proud that we have not missed a week since starting the Sunday night emails on December 16, 2007,” says Heston, who is also founder of StateoftheOzarks. “We are closing in on 900 issues and that kind of tenacity is unusual in this industry.”

For the first time, select articles by Heston are featured here for the first time in blog format. 1/9/2025

Roses in a Dark Room

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… ROSES IN A DARK ROOM. A dark bedroom, a single light. The lamp was a strange thing, heavily weighted, long, spindly neck, rough black charcoal-like texture of hood and base, the lamp of a mid-century engineer with a black briefcase and shoes buffed until persistently reflective. But engineering was a world away,…

Cake, Ice, Fog

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… CAKE, ICE, FOG. It was so foggy the black night I drove home across bleak Illinois prairies and into dark Illinois woods. The thick fog obscured red tail lights, white snow-packed ice, even stop signs. West central Illinois is a different sort of place, a place where the folklore of a lost…

Molly Kathleen

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… MOLLY KATHLEEN. The dogs in the barn barked that bright morning as I was sitting at the dining room table, open notebook before me, scholastic workbooks stacked to my right. My mom threw dishtowel over shoulder and walked to the front room windows, frowning. Someone was walking up the driveway. I was…

Black Phillip

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… BLACK PHILLIP. In the bleak conclusion of Robert Eggers’ film The Witch, the big black billy goat fatally gores the ever-angry Puritan father. The goat then transforms into the devil, seducing teenage daughter Thomasin and leading her into the forest to become a witch. I don’t feel bad about spoiling the ending.…

Our Very Own Ozark Howler

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… OUR VERY OWN OZARK HOWLER The phone rang and I answered, made curious by the California area code. “Is this Joshua with StateotheOzarks?” Yes, it is. “Are you familiar with Ozarks lore? Yes, I am. “Can you get us in touch with someone who has seen the Ozark Howler?” Wait, what? It…

Just a Bunch of Bully Goats

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… JUST A BUNCH OF BULLY GOATS. The sun was warm that spring day in the barn yard and I was tending some 20 goats of all sizes, ages and temperaments. I loved the barn. I loved the goats and would much rather be out in the barn wallowing around with whatever baby…

Going Down to Egypt

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT…. GOING DOWN TO EGYPT. The dark-haired boy is bent over blank white paper, black-and-red flannel obscuring a thin and insecure frame. His desk is dark brown, dark brown like his eyes, eyes like his father’s. The desk is handmade by his grandpa, pine impossible to scratch beneath layers of resin laminate. This…

Cedar Gloom Puppies

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… CEDAR GLOOM PUPPIES. My puppies are running, circling, wrestling in this overcast of Christmas Day, bounding through grasses brown and fledgling green. Christmas Day is a demarcation of sorts, singular handful of days over our lives, days to remember through the long years. Has this Christmas Day been better? Has it been…

Big Trucks and Farmers All

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… BIG TRUCKS AND FARMERS ALL. Solstice sunset, longest, darkest night of the year, and the big rigs on the big road are lit like Christmas trees in the cold. Orange and red and yellow lights frame big rectangles of American freight racing at 80 miles per hour, mile after long Missouri mile,…

The Only Place Left

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… THE ONLY PLACE LEFT. I remember how cold the air was in the lonely hospital garden that Saturday evening in late November. Winter arrives early on the central Iowa plains and the wind played in that empty, man-made canyon, a hollow box of mounded earth and agreeably curved pathways. Over here, a…

Scary Ghost Stories

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… SCARY GHOST STORIES. I climbed into my truck at nightfall, trusty Basset joining on the console. Key in ignition, watchful reverse into the alley. Bright crescent moon in the Southwest peeked through poplar branches. Truck tires on gravel, then edge-of-town asphalt. Yellow street lamps light the way, one block, two blocks… At…

The Dark Moon Quiet

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… THE DARK MOON QUIET. The cold night wind is in the elm branches, making a faint whistling sound. From somewhere nearer the creek comes the light scratching of talons on branch. Starlight is twinkling, save for patches of black, denoting clouds moving in. The weather is changing, getting colder. There is white…

Red, Orange, Black

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… RED, ORANGE, BLACK. Night fell out on the big road, a thousand trucks lit like Christmas trees, 80 miles-per-hour stars in the sudden dusk, stars streaming west, following the contours of the land, west wind to a dying sun. This Osage land is where upland plateau — all rocks and hollers and…

Broken Sky Promises

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… BROKEN SKY PROMISES. The lily pond was quiet, save for dark bubbling waters. The piped sounds of classical music had faded, the people mostly gone home. A tree frog peeped from beneath jungly hosta leaves. This strange Eden carved from cornfields and beneath the prairie sky fell into shadow, casualty of another…

The Sentinel Oaks’ Promise

BEEN THINKIN’ ABOUT… THE SENTINEL OAKS’ PROMISE. I ran down the path, bare feet flying on our forest floor. I liked to run the paths we had made, paths mostly free of gooseberry thorns. Still, I had to be careful. When you grow up going bare foot spring, summer and most of autumn, you learn…