What Others Are Saying:
“Josh! Amazing news magazine. YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLY gifted at what you do! Your graphics are lovely. I learn something each time I open your magazine! Bravo and thank you for sharing it with me! God bless!”
— Marty Schmitt
“I must applaud Joshua Heston for captivating us week after week with his good natured articles. A gifted writer, he gently encourages us to learn more, contemplate, and become more in the process. Well done buddy!”
— Carol Dawn
“Joshua Heston is doing GREAT things for our music! He is uncovering and focusing on some of the hidden treasures of our genre of music. Bless his heart!”
— Cindie Beem
“ I enjoy all that he shares with us, some of which I never knew was there...he has a awesome talent of making it so appealing and home-some...”
— Sharon Cowell Randolph
“Josh, your summer firework art article is so, so good. It is a work of art itself. Keep allowing those creative juices to flow!”
— Sally Chowning
“Thank You! For all the help you've given me. I will be sure to recommend you to the upcoming 8th graders because once they go to 8th grade they will have to do a research project! (I'm going to 9th)”
— Amari Hicks
“Josh has done a fine job picking up where the old Ozarks Mountaineer magazine quit. Everyone should check out the State of the Ozarks web sit. You'll enjoy it.”
— Arkansas Red, Eureka Springs
“Oh, Joshua Heston, I just read the ‘Welcome’ and it brought a tear to my eye. Beautifully written. You are an old soul with an amazing talent of first-person storytelling. Love, love, love it and bookmarked so I can keep going back. Thank you.”
—Velva Cort, Forsyth, Missouri
“I also enjoyed checking out the State of the Ozark website...love it...impressed!”
—Peggy Burns, Branson, Missouri
“Good articles Joshua. I'm learning so much about the Ozarks, just by reading what you post. Too bad the church bulletins can't be as full of information as your articles are.”
—Carl Martin, Ozark, Missouri
“Really enjoy your e-letter — ‘much ablige’ Love your wording — brings a smile to my 81 year young heart.”
—A loyal reader from Texas. Orvil
“Sir: Thank you for your weekly thots re the Ozarks which I left in 1951. I particularly enjoyed this weeks piece re Table Rock. I went to school at the School of the Ozarks in the late 40's. I recall walking a good ways up the river with a friend or friends, finding a log that would float ok along in dog days, pushing off and floating back down to the School. The river and those days were truly lovely! So, again, thanks so much for the opportunity to past trip a bit today. Dewey PS my brother lives out on top of Pine Mountain, the infamous 'Murder Rocks' are located on his place and we still enjoy visiting the old home place.
—Dewey Pleake
Plate 1. Above, the reflection of picket fence and flower garden is haunting when combined with an antique lace curtain. Warsaw, Missouri. October 30, 2007.

Plate 1. Editor Joshua Heston. Photo credits: Denise Fishel, 2007.
More Comments
“Joshua Heston is an artist who is passionate about preserving Ozark heritage and also enthused about his Irish heritage. His first love though, is Ozark heritage.
Millions of people flock each year to the Ozarks to enjoy the culture, the music, the sights, smells, sounds, and its generous, welcoming people.
Joshua has created a website that is great eye-candy to promote the people that make the heritage of the Ozarks what it is. His up-close perspective puts you sitting right next to the artisans. Take a click and see what Joshua has to share today [at] State of The Ozarks.”
— Beth Hunter, vocalist/emcee ”Beth plays rythym guitar and is a songwriter. She is a member of Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI). As a vocalist and emcee, she's energy and laughter.”
“You are not only a great photographer, but a fine writer as well. Good take on Ozarks springs.”
— D.A. Callaway, Branson, Missouri
“Josh's websites are REALLY NICE. Really organized. Really informational. Really in-depth. When you get on one of them, you turn around and it's three in the morning. STOP IT JOSH! I’m getting bags under my eyes!”
— Tracy Rodgers, Indianola, Iowa
“I really enjoy State Of The Ozarks. Keep up the good work.”
— Mike Patrick, Branson, Missouri
“Please add me to your mailing list. It sure is interesting and I enjoy your writings.”
— Mary Hoagland, Cedric Benoit Fan Club Member
“Thank you so much for the newsletter. Your photography is beautiful and the articles are very interesting. I plan on reading more as the week goes on...”