StateoftheOzarks Ethics

1. Personal liberty is a natural and divine right.
2. Freedom of speech is a fundamental personal right.
3. Defense against tyranny is a personal right.
4. Engagement in the political process is a personal duty.
5. Parents’ rights supersede schools’ rights in education.
6. Health independence links directly to personal freedom.
7. Local / regional food sources sustain a free culture.
8. Environmental conservation and protection are intrinsically linked and best managed locally.
9. Small business proliferation is critical to our regional culture.
10. Art is the physical manifestation of human expression.
11. Craftsmanship is an integral link to our regional culture and a unique expression of the human experience.
12. Ozarks culture was built on Christianity and Christianity is to be respected.
13. Traditional / emerging metaphysical beliefs give insight to our culture and are also to be respected. [CAMPAIGN INFO HERE]
14. Traditional masculine and feminine roles contribute significantly to cultural stability.
15. Non-traditional subcultures give valuable understanding of humanity.
16. An authentic and honest understanding of history is necessary for the continuation of a free society.
17. StateoftheOzarks works to create, support and sustain cultural stability.