Culture Campaign Application

    Phone Number (required):

    Website or social media link:

    I wish to participate in a StateoftheOzarks Culture Campaign because:

    Choose your Culture Campaign (dropdown menu):

    ONLINE CAMPAIGN-ONLY PARTICIPATION (Inclusion in Member Events and Campaign Catalog Directory / E-book):

    COMPLETE CAMPAIGN PARTICIPATION (Inclusion in Member Events, Campaign Catalog, Promotional Campaign, AND BOOK PUBLICATION):


    I am interested in submitting written or visual content for online and book publication:

    I am interested in collaborating on editorial content with StateoftheOzarks:

    I understand Annual membership ($150) + Culture Campaign Book Participation ($55) (total $205) qualifies members to submit up to 3 articles for possible publication online and in the published book, pending editorial approval, review and critique:

    (Required) I understand while I may independently republish my works submitted to StateoftheOzarks and the StateoftheOzarks Culture Campaign, I grant StateoftheOzarks publishing rights to my submitted works for duration of publication(s):

    (Required) I understand StateoftheOzarks reserves the right to include editorial content from non member sources:

    (Required) I understand my paid participation in a StateoftheOzarks Culture Campaign is the acquisition of marketing, networking and business promotion using the StateoftheOzarks platform and I do not qualify for royalties in book publication:

    I understand the purpose of a StateoftheOzarks Culture Campaign is to create and perpetuate community while adding to the historical record of our region:

    I understand that submission of form does not guarantee acceptance: