Marty Schmitt and Dave Loftin

The Fugitive by Dave Loftin

Dave Loftin shares his story of runaway lamb chops to a ready crowd. The Fugitive won first place in StateoftheOzarks Midsummer Writers & Artists Competition. Artwork by Marty Schmitt (foreground) was inspired by Dave Loftin’s story (below). Beyond, Sophie Liffick’s emotional Heart & Hands art is presented on a Jimmy Swaggert vinyl record. Life on the Farm…

State of the Ozarks Writers & Artists Night

Fall Writers & Artists Competition

Writers & Artists Frequently Asked Questions How do I participate? Email to place your name on the list either as an artist or as a writer. How does this thing work? During the month of August, State of the Ozarks Online Magazine collects written essays. As the essays come in, editor Joshua Heston will…

Nine Summers Ago

Been Thinkin’ About… Nine summers ago. Change. Love. Heartbreak. The passage of time. The pain of self-doubt. Life. Nine summers ago, the tomatoes were ripening. Strawberry season had passed. Cottonwood leaves rippled in the dry August air. And I was on a mission. One I absolutely believed in for no apparent reason. I had known…

Black Velvet

Been thinkin’ about… Black Velvet. I remember it like it was yesterday. But then, I remember everything like it was yesterday, both my blessing and my curse. Alannah Myles’ Black Velvet came on the radio. It was summer and the leaves crowded out the sun, even at midday. I only listened to country music back then. This was the…