
Mayapple by Joshua Heston Looking like so many foot-tall green umbrellas, mayapple colonies are found throughout the Ozarks in April. A forest understory plant, Podophyllum peltatum spreads primarily by an underground tuber system. PLATE 2. PLATE 3. The most striking part of the mayapple, however, is rarely seen. Borne on a single, succulent stalk beneath…

Branson Karate

Branson Karate We teach Seiyo-No Shorin-Ryu Karate (a traditional style of defensive martial arts from Okinawa). We teach strong powerful and circular techniques (kicks, strikes, blocks, throws and weapons). Shorin Ryu Karate is a traditional martial arts school that focuses on the principles self-discipline, respect, humility, courtesy and spiritual strength. We also offer women’s self…