Marty Schmitt and Dave Loftin

The Fugitive by Dave Loftin

Dave Loftin shares his story of runaway lamb chops to a ready crowd. The Fugitive won first place in StateoftheOzarks Midsummer Writers & Artists Competition. Artwork by Marty Schmitt (foreground) was inspired by Dave Loftin’s story (below). Beyond, Sophie Liffick’s emotional Heart & Hands art is presented on a Jimmy Swaggert vinyl record. Life on the Farm…

Nine Summers Ago

Been Thinkin’ About… Nine summers ago. Change. Love. Heartbreak. The passage of time. The pain of self-doubt. Life. Nine summers ago, the tomatoes were ripening. Strawberry season had passed. Cottonwood leaves rippled in the dry August air. And I was on a mission. One I absolutely believed in for no apparent reason. I had known…